Lowongan Kerja PT. Aurora Group Cikarang Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja PT. Aurora Group Cikarang Terbaru – Saat ini Admin akan memberikan Informasi Lowongan kerja PT. Aurora Group untuk Penempatan West Cikarang, West Java, simak informasi detail nya dibawah ini.

Loker PT. Aurora Group

Saat ini PT. Aurora Group sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja penempatan West Cikarang, West Java, untuk menempati Posisi sebagai.

Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :

  • HR Assistant Manager (Manufacture Industry)

Key Responsibilities:

  • Manage the staffing process, including recruiting, interviewing and hiring.
  • Make and arrange the company regulation, agreement of Employee (PKWTT/Permanent &amp PKWT/Contract) and Job description of employee.
  • Can Handle RKL &amp RPL (Environment Report).
  • Manage overall the administrative function such as document permit of company. Employee document and general affair matters.
  • Handling and ensuring expatriate permit documents, BPJS Kesehatan and BPJS Ketenagakerjaan employee.
  • Manage overall of payrull and compensation &amp benefit payment.
  • Developing labour pulicies and negotiating cullective bargaining agreements with the union (If any Union).
  • Support current and future business needs through the development, engagement, motivation, and preservation of human capital.
  • Support overall administration affairs, using OSS, report LKPM, RKL &amp RPL report
  • Work closely with management and employees to improve work relationships, employee engagement, build morale and increase productivity and retention.

Job Requirement:

  • Having min 5 years of working experience as HR &amp GA, as Supervisor/Ass. Manager min. 4 years (Prefer in Manufacturing)
  • Able speak Japanese (Minimum N2) and English Business
  • Having certification of CHRM or HR Supervisor Certified (Optional)
  • Understand and strong in Legal, Recruitment, Organization &amp People Development, KPI and Industrial Relation.
  • Good in Managerial Team, Leadership, Negotiation and Communication Skill.
  • Understand about the OSS System, UU Cipta Kerja &amp UU Ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003.
  • Understand to make the Company Regulation and Employee Contract.

Apabila Kamu Tertarik dengan Lowongan Kerja PT. Aurora Group West Cikarang, West Java Silahkan dapat mengirimkan Lamaran kerja Via Online melalui Link yang tertera dibawah ini.

Informasi Pendaftaran

Proses rekrutmen PT. Aurora Group tidak dipungut biaya apapun, hati-hati terhadap segala jenis penipuan yang mengatasnamakan perusahaan.

Bagi yang sudah memenuhi persyaratan dan berminat mengembangkan karir di PT. Aurora Group, silakan apply job melalui tombol lamar dibawah.


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